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Pass the Potatoes
Pass the Potatoes zooms in on the ins and outs of family dinner in one household (mine!) over many years. A unit of 7 (and sometimes 8) sit around the dining room table many times over - sometimes for togetherness, sometimes in grief, and often as a force of habit. What unravels is the intersection of routine and the passing of years.
Developed as part of Spark Theater Festival, and presented at the 28th St. Theater in March of 2023.
Performers: Joye Giuffre, Evan Kinnane, Madeline Mellinger, Cassandra Seidel, Grace Slear, Joe Tennis, Ashley Veglia
Also pictured: Allison Goldman, Marissa Haluch, Jordan Hill, Ethan Lynch
Photography credit: Marco Calderon
The Gallery
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